Worship at Faith Lutheran Church
We worship together every Sunday morning at 10:15am, with Holy Communion on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month, and a Service of the Word on the other Sundays. On the 2nd Sunday of every month, we have Young at Heart worship (also 10:15am).
What is Young at Heart?
Young at Heart is a worship service where the whole liturgy is intentionally intergenerational and designed with families and young people in mind. Everyone is welcome - it is not just for the kids! At these services you will encounter interactive storytelling, invitations for movement and wiggles, easy to learn (and love!) songs, and lots of grace for all the needs of everyone in the room - especially the littlest among us.
What can I expect on a typical Sunday morning at Faith Lutheran Church?
About our Communion Practices:
What is communion? What do we believe?
Holy Communion is a sacrament.* A sacrament is something Jesus commands us to do, and it combines God's Holy Word with something ordinary to make it holy. In Holy Communion, we receive God's grace and forgiveness through ordinary bread and wine that is made holy by God's Word, and we believe that Jesus is fully present in, with, and under the bread and wine (even if it's a mystery how exactly that happens!). We also believe that Holy Communion connects us to "The Communion of Saints," which means that when we receive communion, we are joined at the Table by everyone who has ever received communion and everyone who ever will, throughout all time. Communion is like a big dinner party and celebration of God's huge community in heaven and on earth, where there is room for EVERYONE at the table!
*There are 2 sacraments in our Lutheran tradition. Baptism is the other one, where we receive grace and forgiveness as we are splashed by ordinary water made holy by God's Word.
Who can receive Communion?
Anyone who wishes to receive God's grace and forgiveness is welcome at the Table. That's it! There are no other requirements. You don't have to be a certain age or grade; you don’t have to receive official instruction from the church first; you don't have to be a member here; you don't even have to be Lutheran. The only requirement is that you want to be at Christ's Table. Parents – it is up to you and your family to decide when to have your little ones start receiving communion. One sign that your child may be ready is if they are showing interest in communion by asking questions about it or reaching out for it when you come forward with them.
Can my child start by receiving just one of the communion elements?
It is up to you to determine when and how your child will receive communion. However, please know that even if you receive just one of the elements, you have fully received communion. This is called "communion in one kind" and it is just as valid and complete as receiving both elements. There is no need to withhold one of the elements from your child (unless there are dietary restrictions). If you are having your child receive one or the other already, we invite you to consider allowing them to receive both. The Table is fully open to them!
What if my child doesn't understand it yet?
That's okay! There is a lot about communion that is a mystery to us, and no one understands it fully. Understanding isn't a requirement for receiving communion, and as with many things in life, we can learn by doing. Children are welcome at the Table.
How do I receive communion?
If you want to receive communion, simply hold your hands out with open palms when it is your turn to receive the bread. As the server hands it to you, they will say: "The body of Christ, given for you."
If we are using cups: You may eat the bread/cracker right away. Then you will receive a cup of either wine or juice from the tray. As the server gives you the wine/juice, they will say "The blood of Christ, shed for you." You may drink your wine/juice right away, and then place your empty cup in the basket in the front row of the seats.
If we are communing by intinction (the most common practice here): After you receive the bread/cracker, you will dip it in the wine or juice before eating it. If you forget and eat the wafer first, no problem, the pastor will just give you another one!
What do I say after I am given the bread/wine? You can say "Amen" or you can simply bow your head or make the sign of the cross in a silent "thank you" to Jesus. There are many ways to respond, the important thing is to do so with reverence (which means deep respect).
What if I'm not ready to receive communion yet?
That's okay! You are welcome to wait until you feel ready. Until then, you are still welcome to come up and receive a blessing. There are two ways you can ask: 1) say "may I have a blessing?" Or 2) simply hold your hands to your heart. The pastor will then draw a cross in the air in front of you and say a few words to remind you that God loves you very much.
Do you offer first communion classes for children?
Children of all ages are invited to start receiving communion whenever they are ready, with instruction from parents/family and/or our pastor. However! We still celebrate a Communion Milestone in 5th grade (open to other ages as needed/requested). This Communion Milestone will look a lot like what we have done for First Communion in the past, but it is open to all 5th graders regardless of whether this is their first or 1000th time receiving communion. Each year around the end of October there will be a communion retreat where our 5th graders will learn in depth about the Lord's Supper with lessons and hands on experiences that they will then get to use in our Communion Milestone celebration in worship (on Reformation Sunday every year, the last Sunday in October), where students will be recognized before the congregation as we celebrate their place at Christ's Table. Extended families, godparents, and other loved ones are invited to join this celebration just as they would for first communion!
What is Young at Heart?
Young at Heart is a worship service where the whole liturgy is intentionally intergenerational and designed with families and young people in mind. Everyone is welcome - it is not just for the kids! At these services you will encounter interactive storytelling, invitations for movement and wiggles, easy to learn (and love!) songs, and lots of grace for all the needs of everyone in the room - especially the littlest among us.
What can I expect on a typical Sunday morning at Faith Lutheran Church?
- Our services are typically 45 minutes to an hour long.
- Our music can mostly be found the Evangelical Lutheran Worship (ELW) hymnal and other ELCA hymnals, and we are accompanied by piano. We sing a mix of beloved and newer hymns, usually selected based on the Scripture for the day. On Young at Heart Sundays we sing songs that are easy to learn, such as camp songs or hymns with a chorus, and we take the time to learn them together.
- Most folks who attend worship on Sundays dress in casual to business casual clothes. Come as you are!
- We love to laugh here!
- All wiggles and noises are welcome! Babies and children are welcome to stay in the sanctuary throughout worship. We do have a cry room/nursery with a window into the sanctuary that has some toys, children's books, and a rocking chair if you need a quieter space.
- On Young at Heart Sundays: We invite you to sit right up front so you can more easily participate throughout the service. Show the bulletin to your children who read so they can follow along. Some parts of this service will have opportunities for helpers or interactive stories, and we encourage everyone to join in regardless of age! In all our worship services, all wiggles and noises are welcome. God delights in your children, and so do we!
- All are welcome to receive Holy Communion here. See below for more information about our communion practices.
- Do you have a gluten free or juice options for communion? All our communion wafers are gluten free (though not certified), and we always have juice available in addition to wine.
- The wafer ingredients are: Rice meal, sesame seeds, sesame flour, safflower oil, Tamari soy sauce powder (Tamari soy sauce: soybeans, salt), Maltodextrin [corn], salt, garlic powder. Made on equipment shared with wheat, milk, and tree nuts. Contains: Soy, Sesame.
- We also have individually wrapped allergen-friendly wafers available. These are made with a gluten free flour blend and water, and are manufactured on dedicated equipment in a dedicated facility that is gluten-free, dairy-free, egg-free, peanut-free, fish & shellfish-free. Please ask the Pastor for one when you come forward for communion.
- The wafer ingredients are: Rice meal, sesame seeds, sesame flour, safflower oil, Tamari soy sauce powder (Tamari soy sauce: soybeans, salt), Maltodextrin [corn], salt, garlic powder. Made on equipment shared with wheat, milk, and tree nuts. Contains: Soy, Sesame.
- Accessibility: Our building is one level with wheelchair accessible bathrooms, classrooms, sanctuary, and fellowship hall. We have hearing assist devices with disposable earbuds available. You can find those on the counter of the sound cabinet in the righthand classroom as you walk into the sanctuary; please help yourself or ask an usher for assistance. You may also use your own headphones if you have ones you prefer. Printed copies of the sermon are often available by request.
About our Communion Practices:
What is communion? What do we believe?
Holy Communion is a sacrament.* A sacrament is something Jesus commands us to do, and it combines God's Holy Word with something ordinary to make it holy. In Holy Communion, we receive God's grace and forgiveness through ordinary bread and wine that is made holy by God's Word, and we believe that Jesus is fully present in, with, and under the bread and wine (even if it's a mystery how exactly that happens!). We also believe that Holy Communion connects us to "The Communion of Saints," which means that when we receive communion, we are joined at the Table by everyone who has ever received communion and everyone who ever will, throughout all time. Communion is like a big dinner party and celebration of God's huge community in heaven and on earth, where there is room for EVERYONE at the table!
*There are 2 sacraments in our Lutheran tradition. Baptism is the other one, where we receive grace and forgiveness as we are splashed by ordinary water made holy by God's Word.
Who can receive Communion?
Anyone who wishes to receive God's grace and forgiveness is welcome at the Table. That's it! There are no other requirements. You don't have to be a certain age or grade; you don’t have to receive official instruction from the church first; you don't have to be a member here; you don't even have to be Lutheran. The only requirement is that you want to be at Christ's Table. Parents – it is up to you and your family to decide when to have your little ones start receiving communion. One sign that your child may be ready is if they are showing interest in communion by asking questions about it or reaching out for it when you come forward with them.
Can my child start by receiving just one of the communion elements?
It is up to you to determine when and how your child will receive communion. However, please know that even if you receive just one of the elements, you have fully received communion. This is called "communion in one kind" and it is just as valid and complete as receiving both elements. There is no need to withhold one of the elements from your child (unless there are dietary restrictions). If you are having your child receive one or the other already, we invite you to consider allowing them to receive both. The Table is fully open to them!
What if my child doesn't understand it yet?
That's okay! There is a lot about communion that is a mystery to us, and no one understands it fully. Understanding isn't a requirement for receiving communion, and as with many things in life, we can learn by doing. Children are welcome at the Table.
How do I receive communion?
If you want to receive communion, simply hold your hands out with open palms when it is your turn to receive the bread. As the server hands it to you, they will say: "The body of Christ, given for you."
If we are using cups: You may eat the bread/cracker right away. Then you will receive a cup of either wine or juice from the tray. As the server gives you the wine/juice, they will say "The blood of Christ, shed for you." You may drink your wine/juice right away, and then place your empty cup in the basket in the front row of the seats.
If we are communing by intinction (the most common practice here): After you receive the bread/cracker, you will dip it in the wine or juice before eating it. If you forget and eat the wafer first, no problem, the pastor will just give you another one!
What do I say after I am given the bread/wine? You can say "Amen" or you can simply bow your head or make the sign of the cross in a silent "thank you" to Jesus. There are many ways to respond, the important thing is to do so with reverence (which means deep respect).
What if I'm not ready to receive communion yet?
That's okay! You are welcome to wait until you feel ready. Until then, you are still welcome to come up and receive a blessing. There are two ways you can ask: 1) say "may I have a blessing?" Or 2) simply hold your hands to your heart. The pastor will then draw a cross in the air in front of you and say a few words to remind you that God loves you very much.
Do you offer first communion classes for children?
Children of all ages are invited to start receiving communion whenever they are ready, with instruction from parents/family and/or our pastor. However! We still celebrate a Communion Milestone in 5th grade (open to other ages as needed/requested). This Communion Milestone will look a lot like what we have done for First Communion in the past, but it is open to all 5th graders regardless of whether this is their first or 1000th time receiving communion. Each year around the end of October there will be a communion retreat where our 5th graders will learn in depth about the Lord's Supper with lessons and hands on experiences that they will then get to use in our Communion Milestone celebration in worship (on Reformation Sunday every year, the last Sunday in October), where students will be recognized before the congregation as we celebrate their place at Christ's Table. Extended families, godparents, and other loved ones are invited to join this celebration just as they would for first communion!